
When using dynamic forms where more fields share the same name, the value is preserved when a user switches the field.

You can disable this behavior by setting clearOnUnmount option in the renderer component, or in the schema of the field.

The option in the schema has always higher priority. (When clearOnUnmount is set to ture in the renderer, and this attribute is set to false in the schema of the the field, the field value will not be cleared.)

FormTemplate={ formTemplate }
componentMapper={ componentMapper }
schema={ schema }
onSubmit={ submit }

component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
name: 'shared_field_1',
label: 'Value of this field will be cleared after unmounting! Be aware!',
clearOnUnmount: true,
condition: {
when: 'something',
is: 'something',
}, {
component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
name: 'shared_field_2',
label: 'Value of this field will be cleared after unmounting! Be aware!',
clearOnUnmount: true,
condition: {
when: 'something',
is: 'something else',
}, {
component: componentTypes.TEXT_FIELD,
name: 'shared_field_3',
label: 'Value of this field will not be cleared after unmounting! Be aware!',
clearOnUnmount: false, // default value
condition: {
when: 'something',
is: 'something else and something',