All conditions must be met.

Field controlled-field-1 must have value Bar and field controlled-field-2 must include FooBar somewhere in its value to display field BarFoo.

and: [condition1, condition2, ...] // (condition1 AND condition2 AND ...)
fields: [
name: 'controlled-field-1',
component: 'text-field',
name: 'controlled-field-2',
component: 'text-field',
name: 'BarFoo',
label: 'Foo is Bar!',
component: 'text-field',
condition: {
and: [
when: 'controlled-field-1',
is: 'Bar',
when: 'controlled-field-2',
pattern: /FooBar/

As the value you have to use an array of conditions.

Or you can use a shorthand:

fields: [
name: 'controlled-field-1',
component: 'text-field',
name: 'controlled-field-2',
component: 'text-field',
name: 'BarFoo',
label: 'Foo is Bar!',
component: 'text-field',
condition: [{
when: 'controlled-field-1',
is: 'Bar',
}, {
when: 'controlled-field-2',
pattern: /FooBar/